Follow Limits On Instagram Germany 2020

Instagram puts limits on your (and everybody else’s) account. They are on the whole pretty reasonable, like the one that says you can never follow more than 1,000 users within a 24-hour period. But there are those that can be pretty awkward, particularly for new users, for the simple fact that they don’t know yet how to get beyond them. Another limit is that you can only follow 20% more accounts than you have followers yourself. That limit doesn’t apply obviously at the beginning, because you wouldn’t be able to start following people. It kicks in after you follow between 500 and 1000 people at the start. The other important limit is that when you hit 2,000 people that you follow, that’s the end of the road for you, until all 2,000 users you follow follow you back. Which will never happen, unless you do something about it using Instagram apps that are out there. So you want to find those people you have initially followed and that a...